Thick, Gorgeous, Curls
Thick, gorgeous curls... what more could a girl ask for? Having long curls can be a little tricky to keep hydrated. Coarse hair tends to...

True or False…
Blondes are more fun? If you’re asking the fabulous Marilyn Monroe, that would be a definite yes! “Being Blonde” doesn’t need to cost a...

They can be daunting, may be a little overwhelming at times, but now that I’ve open my own salon… you know exactly what to expect from...

So, check it out. Over the years I’ve heard a few comments numerous times. Things like, “I can never get my hair this smooth. How did you...

All Good Things...
All good things come to an end.. On June 7th I am officially closing my books at The Red Door in Huntsville. Goodbyes are so hard and...

“New Chapter”
What does a New Chapter mean to you? "New Chapter" - definition - Starting a new chapter is ultimately something created in your mind....

Happy Monday!
You know that feeling when…. You knock all the errands off your do to list, you feel like a boss, and you feel like you can do anything...

What do you know about the mind? In my experience, our intentions and beliefs set us up for success or failure. I truly believe the...

Hi 😊
I'm Karina and I'm a mom, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend, boss, business owner, and many other things! I'm sure you can relate. ...

When I was a Teenager
When I was a teenager, My mom let me get highlights. I. Was. Stoked. All I wanted, was to be a blonde. 😍 I was a natural brunette with...